Lela Benet
2 min readJun 1, 2021


This is my personal feeling about this Badge. That doesn't mean it's a bad idea, it's just what I feel about it.

Honestly, no one needs a label or badge to show off they are good at something. In fact those who truly are good moderators would not want to flaunt it in people's faces, but rather just do their bit. I spend everyday managing a large server and two other smaller ones, I have been running communities for a very long time, but I definitely do not care to tell people I'm "Certified by Discord as a good Moderator". To me that is just being a bit egotistical.

Then comes in the issue of being discriminated against because I do not have that badge. I can see it happening already. People who would make fantastic moderators not getting picked cause they didn't take an exam made by a company that actually doesn't understand their community very well in the first place. People that deserve to be praised for their capabilities but will get looked over simply cause they don't got some stupid shield icon under their name. It's a useless waste of resources that can just create more problems than have the actual intended affect.

If you want to praise people for their abilities start spending time in actual communities and see the real moderators do their thing then spotlight them. Invite them to some swanky group. Give them a special badge that says their cool, but don't call it Certified Discord Moderator, cause that means absolutely nothing when you get down to the nitty gritty of running things. Anyone can pass an exam and be active in a server, not everyone can deal with the day to day needs of a thriving community.

